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17 owners of Telegram channels are already earning more with u | — Buy Ads on Telegram channels

17 owners of Telegram channels are already earning more with us!

Join them by becoming an «Exclusive Channel» on the ad exchange:

Sign up on the

Copy the link to your Telegram channel from the «Affiliate Program» section

Add a link to your channel description with the note «Buy Ads»

Fill out the form to get moderated and receive a diamond badge

By becoming an «Exclusive Channel», you will be able to:

Increase your passive income. Your «potential customers» will be registered by the affiliate link that you place in the channel description. Even if they don't buy ads from you, you will receive 3.9% from each successful purchase on any Telegram channel for two years.

Increase the number of advertisements. We will help you become more visible on the ad exchange by getting into a special filter and increasing your rating.

Are you ready to try it?

Fill out the form to get moderated. It takes 2-3 days. If the decision is positive, the exchange support service will contact you.