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Userbot playing music on @tgcallschat received a spam block! | tgcalls

Userbot playing music on @tgcallschat received a spam block!

pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400.UserBannedInChannel: [400 USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL]: You are limited from sending messages in supergroups/channels, check @SpamBot for details (caused by "messages.SetTyping")

The bot worked for more than 10 days without stopping. I don't know what triggered this. Maybe someone sent a reports for fun. In any case, take note of this information.

The bot continues to work, but without sending the status that it is playing music outside of VC.

To disable sending, use the second argument of the .start() method. For example: group_call.start(‘@tgcallschat’, False)

UPD. Perhaps this is because of "Telegram" in the account name. I changed the name and sent an appeal.