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Hello 3rd Eye family, New week, new quarter of the Year and n | 3rd Eye Trading

Hello 3rd Eye family,

New week, new quarter of the Year and new opportunities

Going into Wednesday this week, the summer doldrums will officially be a thing of the past! This is something I have been waiting on for a long time as you can see, with the Aug market conditions faced, it wasn’t the best price action. In saying this, we still managed to call favourable moves that traded in our favoured bias etc

I expect September-December market conditions to be a lot better. Upon any new signals/opportunities being present I will give them as a signal within this week + forecast my bias on currency pairs/indexes I’m looking at

With this being said let’s start the week off with a key psychological Gem regarding discipline that I have written during the weekend. This is a key element to trading as a whole and should be read 2-3 times. Having discipline + self control is one of the things that made me go from a Breakeven trader to a profitable one :