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#heed_and_hear Hello, excellent followers of this channel! Her | The High Speech

Hello, excellent followers of this channel! Here I am with another listening piece from BBC Radio 4 for you. It is another episode of 'One to One' and the first one from the two about idling (I previously did the second one with Tim Parks).

In this episode, Verity Sharp talks to Josh Cohen – a psychoanalyst and professional of modern literature theory. He recollects episodes from his life that demonstrate his views about time and idleness. He also tells about the benefits of idleness for oneself and how to learn to start to enjoy your own idleness and having time for yourself in which you do nothing that has a goal. He says that one of the benefits of it is becoming more open your your inner impulses of creativity.

Josh has an intricate trait in his pronunciation: he rather often replaces the /l/ sound with the /d/ one as in the words appealing and wilier. He also inserts the /g/ sound in the third syllable of the word variation, which I find to be the intended word because the word variegation makes no sense there. With this said and my glossary, I believe it will pose little trouble for you to understand to the talk well.

Please have an enjoyable listening!

You can find and download the episode here.

A glossary for the episode:
gut feeling – интуитивное чувство
contemplation – созерцание
wily – хитрый, проворный
exasperation – отчаяние
to recall – вспоминать
heath – пустошь, степь
clearing – луг, поляна
tinge – оттенок,
ashen – мертвенно-бледный
headmaster – классный руководитель
frenetic – иступлённый, неистовый, маниакальный
tenaciousness – крепость, вязкость (прпавильнее tenacity)
to railroad – направлять
to regiment – систематизировать
shirker – тот, кто избегает действий
slob – разгильдяй
obliquely – наискосок
frantic – неистовый, иступлённый
impotence – бессилие
conducive – стимулирующий
to press in – втискивать, вталкивать
intrinsic – свойственный
to truncate – усекать, сокращать, обрезать
benchmark – планка, ориентир