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#synonymiser Всех приветствую. В этом посте разберу англоязычн | The High Speech

Всех приветствую. В этом посте разберу англоязычные эквиваленты русского слова "вечный". Немало покорпел и придумал и нашёл для вас немало же интересных и элегантных примеров.

perennial – lasting throughout the year or continuing without cessation or intermission
Groundwater is nearly the sole source for freshwater supply on Jeju volcanic island because there are no perennial streams and rivers. (Journal of Hydrology)
For educators, the question of drug testing is part of a perennial balancing act between protecting students' rights and protecting their safety. (The New York Times)

eternal – endlessly or forever lasting
There is no eternal growth in markets: an uptrend must always be followed by a correction for the price to resume its growth.
Because technological advancements do not change human nature, there will always be the same eternal dilemmas in human society people will have to face.
Eternal peace among living beings is a dystopian thing because the very natural selection principle forbids it.

sempiternal – endlessly or forever lasting
So Zhou Enlai's famous reply was actually quite banal – yet is now universally reinterpreted as a gem of sempiternal Chinese wisdom. (The Guardian)
The sempiternal truths will always unite people of whatever origins and creeds.
How this secret was found will now remain a sempiternal mystery, with only speculations and versions of its finding being offered by different people.

everlasting – lasting forever
When they said your boat was coming, death rose and walked on the one hand of me, and on the other life everlasting. (Jack London – A Daughter of the Snows)
Their halls are above the everlasting snow, upon Oiolossë, the uttermost tower of Taniquetil, tallest of all the mountains upon Earth. (John R. R. Tolkien – The Silmarillion)

perpetual – lasting forever or indefinitely
The San Juan Islands have long been a popular destination for Seattleites looking to escape the perpetual rain and fog. (Forbes)
The faith, MacCulloch notes, is perpetual argument about meaning and ­reality". (The New York Times – Books)
The perpetual conflict between different political parties, which separation of powers creates, prevents the seizure of power by one political actor whatsoever.

permanent – lasting forever or never changing
The total lack of duty of care by MI5 has caused me very serious and permanent psychological damage," said McGartland. (The Guardian)
Multi-hour daily exposure to video games in the early years of life may lead to a permanent decrease in cognitive capabilities.
Extreme sports are associated with high risks of permanent physical discomforts.