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It's time to stand up people of Perth! Are we going to accept | The Australia Project

It's time to stand up people of Perth!
Are we going to accept this in our city?
Is this what we want our children to grow up and see?
Is this just a form of grooming not some innocent man who likes to dress as a woman and likes to tell stories to little children?
I wonder if he's going in to the elderly homes too and spending time with them and sharing stories or is it just the little kids he likes to tell stories too??
Enough is enough IS ENOUGH!!!

If you have time, express your concerns about this to Liberal Upper House MP, Nick Goiran. He is a Christian who is dead against this kind of grooming and will grill McGowan and his croneys on this in parliament. Why should the taxpayer foot the bill for this perversion?

Grooming little children is NOT OK!

Nick Goiran Office
Ph: (08) 9398 3800
Email: Office.goiran@mp.wa.gov.au

Basil Zempilas - Lord Mayor of City of Perth
