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A note to the leaders of this America 1st, Patriot Movement. | The Bald Avenger

A note to the leaders of this America 1st, Patriot Movement.

It’s super easy to take shots from the sideline. Now that you are leading a movement that many of us are following, please stop the bullshit.

If everyone is deep state, then no one is. Because someone gets more headlines than you, or disagrees with you, does not make them deep state.

Children in junior high snapshot conversations and expose private communications. Full gown adults working to resist a communist takeover of our country should not be.

Service is about doing for others without concern for yourself and political or financial gain. If these happen, it’s Should be a result of the outcome for others, not as the primary objective.

The person who uses Jesus name the most, does not win. The people who act the most like him do.

Almost every one of you at the forefront of this battle have drawn people like me into believing we can win. You have convinced us to put our own names, livelihoods and resources behind you. We are doing so.

We don’t need you to do the work we know we should be and are doing, but we sure don’t need to be infighting at this critical hour. Being made to take sides when so few of us are standing up as it is, is ridiculous!!!

If we make this about ourselves and our egos, we lose. Let’s fight the actual enemy… not each other!!!

Please, pull it together.

Please. We have your backs… please have ours.

Jason Sisneros (not deep state, in case anyone wonders… )