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Checking in to hotel: (North Carolina) Desk manager: welcome | The Bald Avenger

Checking in to hotel: (North Carolina)

Desk manager: welcome sir! Can you please put on your mask?

Me: I don’t have one.

DM: oh here you are sir!

Me: no thank you.

DM: what do you mean?

Me: I mean (speaking slower this time) Nooooo Thaaaaankk Youuu. (End with huge friendly smile)

Dm: (flustered)… We are 2 blocks from the biggest Covid hospital in the city.

Me: Huh?

DM: that’s a fact sir!

Me: Thank Goodness it’s not the largest STD hospital in town!!

DM: Huh?

Also DM: here’s your key sir… enjoy your stay!!

Can’t make these things up y’all!!!