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#1 reason virtue signalers cannot go on #joerogan is because t | The Bald Avenger

#1 reason virtue signalers cannot go on #joerogan is because they have to actually substantiate their argument. They can’t. So they don’t. They sit in seats like CNN or FoxNews where their opinions are not challenged. They spit carefully crafted talking points and never actually say anything. They keyboard warrior hatred at anyone that rattles their cages of comfort and compliance.

If you can sit through a curious conversation with no notes, teleprompter or memorized speech, what comes out is how you actually believe.

When an intellectual has his or her beliefs challenged with a set of alternative facts or viewpoint, they consider, think and then modify their beliefs or it strengthens their own belief. None of that ever spawns an emotional attack from a smart person.

The lowest IQ and most scared people on earth throw tantrums, attack people personally and righteously demand that the opposing argument be punished or eliminated. The quintessential school yard bully or historically tyrannical. The people that sat by and allowed the Holocaust for instance.

Joe Rogan made me laugh out loud when he, quite seriously, suggested that Michelle Obama would make a great President. I think that’s a horrifically bad idea!! Some people agreed and some people thought it was ludicrous. Absolutely zero people on the conservative side threw themselves down on the ground and cried like a 2 year old baby.

To politically censor someone is the height of fascism. To want someone punished for their thoughts and beliefs is Mao, Stalin and Hitlers 1st page of barbaric murder sprees.

Words are not dangerous. Actions are. Discussions add value. Virtue signaling adds zero!

Suppression of news is a very big indicator of a fascist regime.

The truckers in Canada is historic. No news except made up lies and bullshit.

There are bad reactions to the vax as just reported in Congress where military Doctor whistleblowers just testified. Not reported AT ALL!!!

I could go on… and most people who dig for the truth know about what. Those that swallow the regimes BS reflexively say conspiracy and don’t have the moral fortitude to acknowledge the library of retractions and flat out lies that have been uncovered!

All that said… I feel like the tide has turned. I am inspired daily by the small acts of bravery I see. I believe that every stage I have walked for the last 2 years has shown brightly the human spirit. The hands I’ve shook, the stories I’ve heard, the tears I’ve wiped has strengthened a part of me I didn’t know needed it.

The sound of this wall falling is going to resonate for generations.

God Bless,