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Brisbane, Keep The Pressure Up! For the first time since Janu | The People's Revolution

Brisbane, Keep The Pressure Up!

For the first time since January 2022, the 23rd of April will see the People descend on Brisbane on a Saturday, in a show of awesome unity and strength, to remind the so called leaders, that we DO NOT BUY THEIR DECEIT OR TRICKERY!


The Digital ID based on the total surveillance and control of the People, is being rolled out, as the next phase of their plan to dominate the race and hospitals, aged care and education are still under discriminatory mandates, which have zero logic or science to back them.

An emergency declared on the 31st of March, giving the politicians extra powers and by the 5th of April, they dropped the mandates.

No thanks, we're not buying it and we will continue to mount pressure, we will continue to gain numbers, we will continue to raise the morale and we will continue to gain momentum, until we re-gain control of this beautiful country for the People and treasonous politicians are put in prison.