2024-07-24 04:40:20
For those that have followed me since the beginning of 2017, I covered many of the Executive Orders and tried to lay this out as it was unfolding at the time.
We are at War and when Trump did not concede the Office of President, I knew it was on, as well as when the Military went in March 3, 2020, put up 3 layers of fencing around the White House, deputized 20,000 military service members as U.S. Marshals.
Have you all noticed how most of D.C. has been slowly boarded up building by building?
When Trump walked in front of the Queen and inspected their Military? London was taken done then.
When the Vatican was raided at least 6 times in 2019? Remember when the power went out over there?
Remeber all the planes flying back and forth that Monkeyworks was showing us? A lot of gold was taken back as well as a lot of old parchment papers and documents, such as all original birth certificates, trust documents from ancient history and so much more.
I covered all those Peace Treaties and other Executive Orders that this man has left out. Like 13818, 13844 as well as the one about releasing the documented truth about Kennedy's Assassination to the heads of the Executive Branch in 2018.
Don't worry or fear what you hear in the mainstream media. Most of it is not real or half truths twisted so bad that it blocks out the real truth.
What We the People need to focus on is getting local to our own area that is directly effecting us. We need to work from the bottom up, City, County and State level bad actors engaging in the fraud, serious human rights abuse and corruption.
The multimillion dollar question for years has always been "what do we do?"
1. Learn ALL of our Rights. More specifically the Right of ALL Political Power and the Right to Petition the LEGISLATURE for the redress of grievances. This is how we alter, reform or abolish any Thing at any time we deem it necessary.
2. Read some historical documents going clear back to the Magna Carta 1215, 1606, 1609 and 1611 with the first charters of Virginia and all throughout the 1600's-1776 and both the Federal and State Constitutions. Learn how our form of government is SUPPOSED to be and the limitations of power so we can call out what is foreign to our form of government and repugnant to our Law. We go by the Rule of Law, not the rule of mankind.
We are a Capitalist Confederate Republic. NOTHING ELSE PERIOD!!!
Capitalism is the Right to contract and there shall be NO LAW impairing the obligations of a contract with the exception to the Rule is fraud.
Confederacy is a Leauge of Friendship, which is a Union. Preamble "We the People in order to form a MORE PERFECT UNION". Read the Federalist Papers, they talk about our Confederacy many times.
Republic is where all the power is inherent in the People. Of the People, by the People and FOR the People. To DEFEND our God given Rights and to uphold God's Law, the Laws of Nature, which is International Law for all Civilized Nations.
We are not a Democracy, Representative Democracy, Constitutional Republic where Rights can be put to a vote, where government has personal and subject matter jurisdiction over man and our Rights.
I don't care if you like this truth or not. These are FACTS OF LAW and I've read a lot of historical documents and covered many of them in our shows LIVE. I don't give a F what some BAR member has to say. They all hold the Title of Nobility Esquire from Crown Temple BAR...British Accredited Registry or Registrar. The International BAR Association/London, the American BAR Association 1878, then all the State (CORPERATIONS) BAR Associations which they have invaded America, infiltrated our Legislatures, the Executive Branch and highjacked the entire Judicial Branch subjecting us to pretended acts of legislation, the Roman Civil law, which is the Roman CODE, Justinian pandects, the CODE and enforce it through Bills of Attainder/Bills of Pains and Penalties. Watch and share the next video I share that I did covering this in my Wednesday Night Workshop through Patreon.
892 viewsBeckio Aussie TruthSeekersChannel, 01:40