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Announcement Generous Payments Website Will Feature Trend | Clip Artist Films

Generous Payments Website Will Feature Trendsetting Online Transparency Tool Rate Tracker
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Sign Up & Use Rate Tracker for Free!

We are starting a movement of education and transparency in the credit card processing industry! Help us help the small businesses in our country!
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So cool when God has you meet like minded people…

Adam Niec and I met back in 2019 when I tried to launch Generous Payments the second time. First was 2017. Failure to launch was never due to the idea or validity of the GP concept. Just I wasn’t ready. And most importantly it wasn’t the right timing for God.

The GP website’s coming along nicely and later this month y’all will be able to see the entire flow in its full glory.


Ya’ll will see how a simple credit card transaction ends up turning into a love gift nominated by the merchant.

Adam and another man Bryan Lee, have been patiently waiting for me to ‘get it together’. Bryan was an old lead client from back in 2012 that’s going to take on a key role in the financial management for Generous Payments.

Wonderful Christian brother too, Bryan is. He’s always been that guy with perfect ethics leading his business life as a true Jesus forward mentality. Bryan was also was there for me early on in my walk with Jesus guiding me a bit.

These two men know me for the nutty unpredictable dude I am, yet love me and believe in the Generous Payments concept so much they waited. And waited.

Back to when how Adam and I met…

In 2019 as I was doing Swiper interviews and research, I found a video on YouTube where Adam was making the point, very eloquently I might add, that leasing credit card terminals on the backs of small business owners was a complete and total scam. Just like what imerchant Direct has been doing in recent news coverage.

So I reached out and we did our first podcast, and that’s when I first told Adam about GP. He was pretty intrigued. We’ve become very good friends since and his growth has been impressive.

Around that time, Adam was building two start ups. A new bankcard sales company and Rate Tracker.

An absolute over achiever and genius. Best of all, like Bryan, Adam is truly one of the most ethical people I’ve ever met in the bankcard space. And he gets things done.

Then last year…

Adam and I did another podcast. And another false start for GP. But over the last year, Adam perfected Rate Tracker and here we are.

RT is the perfect front end evaluation tool for Generous Payments.

In an instant RT goes back 2 years and shows the rates and fees from your credit card processing account without all the mumbo jumbo, statement fees, annual charges, etc. it’s all put together on one easy to follow number with a graph showing the peaks and valleys of the cost to process credit cards for your business.

The effective rate.

RT is a wonderfully functioning tool leveraging plaid technology, like paypal and Venmo use.


That was a genius move Adam did with that part of the model.

Happy dance

After the savings or added value is calculated for the merchant, they can switch service to GP.

Then, after we start processing payments, every month a text alert will come through showing the merchant’s effective rate with Generous Payments so they will always know where the bill cost in at in an easy to understand, transparent format.

Adam’s concept is so good, this could be used in other verticals. Billing transparency is needed in lots of markets. Maybe eventually RT will be grown in that direction.

Transparency built into the entire process from ground up.

But wait there’s more!

If you own a business and don’t end up switch your processing over to GP for some reason, you still keep the RT account and forever (yes still FREE) so you know you’re not gonna get jacked by your merchant company ever again. And if they do…you’ll know. And we’ll know too! Every month.


I know I cause a lot of ruckus. It can also look like I’m just a trouble maker sometimes.