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Can you comment on this? Lin supports you. He seems to support | Clip Artist Films

Can you comment on this? Lin supports you. He seems to support TCH. What is going on? This is from TCH's GAB.

So... how is everybody enjoying the fake fight on Telegram between Gordon Rose, his girlfriend, and David Hancock?

It's fake - they are all working together - and it all leads to General Michael Flynn.

Michael Flynn thinks he's clever when he uses agents to launch a [strategically] weak attack on himself (that's what Gordon Rose did in his shitty expose' on Michael Flynn called The Great Pretender) to create the illusion that an 'investigative journalist' hit him (Flynn) with his best shot and came up with a huge fizzle (thus making Flynn look clean).

So, Michael Flynn wants to be exposed by an investigative journalist, eh?

I can help him with that.

State and federal court files contain exhibitive threats sent to me, warning me I am going to be kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered by military operatives connected to Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore, General Mark Milley, and General Michael Flynn.

So... I guess I'm going to be skinned alive for telling the world about monsters in chef hats, laughing while they are eating children alive - one bite at a time so the child has to watch themself be eaten.

You say you're hang me from a meat hook, boys?

I'll live with it.

"It's my job to be worried half to death and that's the think people respect in me"