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Oh..GORDON. Here is my long distance hug. (((((((((GORDON))))) | Clip Artist Films

Here is my long distance hug.
You...my dear...are THE REAL DEAL.
AN ALPHA MALE...the REAL honest to goodness...beautiful...ALPHA MALE...who fights fire with FIRE...and will stand...STRONG....in the GAP.....for INNOCENCE LOST ....for....lying devious THUGS....who LIE and CHEAT and
You...my dear...are THE REAL DEAL.
You will spit FIRE in the FACE of pure EVIL and will NOT BACK DOWN....and when...life bruises your own human frailties..by gosh...you spin around and tell the
world...'here i AM.....THIS IS ME...BROKEN YET REDEEMED'....take me...or leave me...but this is ME.'
THOSE who love the TRUTH...
THOSE who are on this side of the battle and those who LOVE THE LORD....watch and almost.... dare ourselves to watch you dip your life into the deep end of the pool of pure EVIL...and we...STAND...we rise ..clapping and smiling and cheering you on ....with respect and LOVE...and admiration and a PROFOUND honor..that all we ...really....can do is walk away and think...'Dang..that Gordon...HE IS A BRILLIANT SOLDIER FOR THE KINGDOM'.
You ARE, SIR....a mighty warrior...and we frankly...dont give a damn that you've skinned your knees in the past....or you've fallen down in the dirt .....because what..WE SEE....as i hope...WE SEE just LIKE CHRIST.....but....what WE SEE....is a man who fights battles that few of us would DARE to fight....much less DARE to even WANT TO think about fighting.
You are RIGHT where our GOD wants you.
He wants you...Gordon.....using that indelible and fiesty SPIRIT and SOUL..... walking where landmines are strewn......and fighting ....with PASSION and HEART...
up against all the darkness and deceit we know exists....but have yet to touch..
You..my dear...GORDON...are the real deal.
GOD goes before you....to FIGHT YOUR BATTLES.
.......my dear.....have been graphed and anchored into a POWER.....SO GREAT....
....that mountains quake....and...
....the skies turn black.
You have an army of people who