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01/11/2013 It’s night in Athens; tonight a meeting of the nati | The Western Chauvinist

01/11/2013 It’s night in Athens; tonight a meeting of the nationalist party Aube Dorée was organized. Clashes have been taking place for months between nationalists and anti-fascists. So tonight, a group of young Greeks stand guard in front of the entrance of their premises, aware of the risks, but faithful to the ideas and the Party.
Suddenly, a motorcycle stops a few meters from them. One man gets off, while the driver waits. He takes an automatic weapon and shoots. One activist falls to the ground. His comrade looks at the gunman; he knows he is going to die, but he faces up to it, and in a last act of courage, he stand his ground. He falls, pierced by the bullets. The gunman gets back on the motorcycle and flees with his accomplice.
That night, Manos and Giorgos were murdered by the antifascist scum for their ideas, shot because they are proud to be Greeks.
Let us never forget our martyrs, let us honor their memory, because their example must guide us every day of our life.

In memoriam !