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‘Unluckiest Swan’ Becomes a Mom After Crafty Raft Rescue From | The world is good

‘Unluckiest Swan’ Becomes a Mom After Crafty Raft Rescue From Rising Waters

Hope floats. Swans’ nests do not—unless they get a little help from someone determined to make sure their precious cargo has a chance to hatch.

Rob Adamson, who lives and works at Jones Boatyard in St Ives, England has been a longtime spectator to the world’s “unluckiest swans” efforts to become parents.

For a decade, he looked on sadly as the poor birds’ eggs fell prey to poaching foxes and rising waters. This year as the Great Ouse began to flood, he knew he couldn’t stand by and let another clutch perish on his watch.

During the night, Adamson fashioned a makeshift raft and moored it with a line to the bank. It was well after dark when he gingerly lifted the nest and its occupants—nine eggs and one hissing mama—to safety, all under the wary eye of Papa swan.

Back on the Ouse, Mama swan has settled in nicely and hopes are that the signets will hatch soon. While Papa swan remains vigilant, to further ensure the family’s safety, Adamson has erected fencing to deter predators.

As a breed, swans have a reputation for beauty that’s only surpassed by their fierce temper. That neither of the pair attacked Adamson is unusual.

Perhaps the two sensed that he was only trying to help—which would only be keeping in character since Adamson’s affinity for the majestic avians is already well established.