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These Extraordinary Stickers Keep Food Fresh For Longer! We r | The world is good

These Extraordinary Stickers Keep Food Fresh For Longer!

We recently wrote about how a New York startup developed technology to preserve food without refrigeration for months. Now we have news about how thanks to a simple sticker, products can stay fresh longer.

StixFresh, part of a food and crop protection startup, ryp LABS, develops innovative technologies to tackle global food waste. It has now come up with a way to successfully keep fruit fresh for up to 14 days longer. It reports that these stickers have been shown to be effective at keeping a long list of fruit firm, sweet and juicy over an extended period. These include apples, pears, avocados, dragon fruits, kiwis,  oranges and other citrus fruit.

The magic occurs due to small stickers, the size of a 50 cent piece, that contain a special formulation. The chemical-free compounds in them then create a protective layer around the fruit, slowing down the process of ripening and spoilage, the company details on its website.

The science behind the StixFresh formulation is extremely simple yet genius. Premature rotting processes are slowed down by using the same compounds plants naturally produce, to create their own natural defense system, the company explains. Protecting the fruit from damaging environmental conditions can keep it fresh for longer, extending its shelf life, both at the market and at home.

As for the future, StixFresh - awarded Best Sustainability Initiative and Best Packaging Technology at the World Food Innovation Awards - plans to adapt its invention to extend the lifespan of vegetables as well. 

The philosophy behind this amazing initiative can be synthesized in a quote by the renowned American chef, book author, journalist, and travel documentarian Anthony Bourdain in his Wasted! The Story of Food Waste documentary. “Use everything. Waste nothing”, he suggests. Today that is possible thanks to extremely inventive minds like Zainuddin's.