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Thoreum Video contest 1st: $1,000 2nd: $500 3rd: $250 | Thoreum Official Channel

Thoreum Video contest

1st: $1,000
2nd: $500
3rd: $250
7 Runners up: $100 each

Make a video about 1 of 2 topics or both:
(1) The Power of Thoreum Thor Thunder
(2) Thoreum Thunder Boost - Double rewards, first time in world of DeFi
- Video name "Thoreum = Safemoon 2.0" +…
- Any language or no language with subtitle are both acceptable
- Minimum 3 minutes length

Post on your personal social media include:
- Your referral link in the video description
- Tag min 3 friends
- Hash tags: #Thoreum #Defi #ThorThunder #ThunderBoost #Safemoon2.0

Post your video
specifying your Twitter acc
latest by 24:00 GMT Thu 8th July 2021
- Announcement https://t.me/ThoreumOfficialChannel/267
- Tweet https://twitter.com/ThoreumFinance/status/1411762452941922305

‍ Winners will be chosen by Thoreum Marketing team.
Judgement base on video quality & easy understanding content.
Number of referrals & Like, Share, Comment on personal social media post will be advantage.