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Mesti korang ada yang confuse cara nak apply skincare waktu so | Tips Skincare by HR

Mesti korang ada yang confuse cara nak apply skincare waktu solat kan? Here we go

Solat Subuh
Just normal ambil wudhuk and solat.

Morning skincare routine
Tak kisah lah pukul berapa baru rajin nak mandi, and do your morning skincare routine. Don't forget your sunblock!

Reapply sunblock
Bila nak keluar pergi lunch, atau yang terdedah dekat matahari, apply sunblock lagi sekali. Sunblock kena reapply every 3-4 hours.

Solat Zohor
Remove all the makeups & sunblock pakai micellar cleansing water je. Ambil wudhuk macam biasa. Lepas solat, apply moisturizer & sunblock & makeups (kalau perlu). Kalau boleh, simpan wudhuk sampai Asar so tak perlu repeat step ni.

Solat Asar
Kalau wudhuk dah batal, repeat balik step yang sama macam waktu solat zuhur. Remove all the makeups & sunblock & makeups (kalau perlu) pakai micellar cleansing water je. Ambil wudhuk macam biasa. Lepas solat, apply moisturizer & sunblock.

Night skincare routine
Normally for night skincare routine, I'd do the double cleansing method.
1. Oil-based cleanser
2. Water-based cleanser
5. Moisturizer

Continue with solat maghrib and isyak. Kalau perlu ambil wudhuk masa isyak, ambil je wudhuk lagi.

Late-night skincare routine
Time ni kalau rasa nak pakai clay mask ke, sheet mask ke, terpulang. Lepastu, I'll do my late-night skincare routine:
1. Gosok gigi
2. Scrub bibir
3. Moisturize
4. Sleeping mask
5. Lip mask

And then, tidur! Esok, repeat semula semua ni.

Keyword, kena rajin ok

Cc : Elsya Zahra
