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Fearing an audit is an admission of guilt. Speak this TRUTH in | TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Fearing an audit is an admission of guilt.
Speak this TRUTH in every city.

If the left knew an audit would come out clean, they'd REVEL in the chance to embarrass us... KNOWING they'd come out on top and REAP new political power by strengthening Biden's mandate to govern... proving they set the all time record for most popular President in US history.

They CLAIM that Republicans and amateurs running the audits will "manufacture" issues to complain about... but that's a provable lie too. IF auditors are dumb enough to put forward issues that are not real, and will not stand up to CROSS EXAMINATION... then the left will reap 10-fold the politcal power in a backlash against the pro-Trump patriots who would be exposed as frauds and even criminals... and their staunch politcal allies at Dominion (remember the CTO who swore he'd stop Trump getting elected?) would be utterly vindicated. Dominion would become the GLOBAL HEROS OF DEMOCRACY and Trump's Populist Revival crushed as a fraud.

Wait, does the left WANT to crush Trump's Populist Revival? Why are they holding back? If we take them at their word, and there was no fraud... then they have the golden opportunity they've been dreaming of.

Take the shot bitches. Expose the right as the biggest frauds of all time by allowing the audits to prove Joe won. Enjoy the MASSIVE consolidation of political power that will accrue to you. Glory and gloat about the YUGEST political backlash in recorded history...

Unless of course you're all lying sacks of shit on the way to jail with your undercover incestuous fake two-party system. Unless of course your #FakeNews media controlling masters really are the #EnemyOfThePeople. Unless of course you know the YUGEST political backlash of all time is Queued up to swing the other way and you're about to lose everything including control of our schools and the right to keep murdering the unborn by the millions. Unless of course your entire Satan loving lifestyle is about to take a hit.