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Pondering on the Lord this morning, and this is what I imagine | TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Pondering on the Lord this morning, and this is what I imagined He said to me:

Old things shall be done away, and all things shall become new. And before I come again, there shall be a mighty trembling among all those who have sworn in their hearts to rule in my place.

And the serpent shall quake knowing his days are numbered, and he shall redouble his efforts to take many of my children with him into the pit.

But my hand of protection is over all those who desire it more than the treasures of the earth.

And many shall witness my hand in motion as I uncover the secrets of many, and begin to shake the foundations of the power of the Adversary over the hearts of the children of men, that my children’s eyes may be opened, and their ears unstopped, that they may slip his grasp, and I may heal them.