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Doing our best to ship out 1 project review each day!

Uniswap Early Calls Access #161 DeversiFi

Discord (main):
Telegram: @DeversiFi

DeversiFi is a high-speed, non-custodial exchange released in June 2020 built using StarkWare’s layer 2 scaling engine. DeversiFi 2.0 can handle 9,000+ trades per second, provides access to deep aggregated liquidity, offers low fees reaching near 0%, has privacy-by-default, as well as the added advantages of trading from a privately owned cryptocurrency wallet.

Visit and Blog to learn more.

Key metrics:
• Hardcap: $5M (Excluding public round)
• Initial circulating supply at TGE: 7M-9M $DVF tokens

• Strategic: $0.40 (1 yr cliff followed by 2 year vesting)

Due diligence:
• We are investors in the strategic round.
• Strong list of strategic investors/backers to-date: ParaFi (Lead), Lightspeed Venture Partners (Snapchat, The Honest Company etc), Defiance Capital, Delphi Ventures, Fenbushi Capital, Longhash Ventures, Spartan, Genblock, Blockchain.Com, OkEx (BlockDream) and StarkWare. (Link)
• A good team lineup comprising of: Kain and Jordan (Synthetix), Stani (Aave), Mona (Enzyme), Jordan aka CryptoCobain (Lido), Richy (Ampleforth), Sidney & Joe (Maple), David (Tempus), Henrik Andersson (Apollo Capital, mStable and dHEDGE) and Robbie Ferguson (Immutable).
• App is live (App)
• Total value locked "TVL" in DeversiFi at ATH was ~$29M, and currently at slightly over $15M. (Defi Pulse) (Etherscan)
• There will be no circulating supply/release for all strategic investors and team for the first year.

How to participate:
8th July @ 2PM UTC: DeversiFi Launch Market TGE (Link)

Stay tuned at our TG for more news:
: @DeversiFi
UniswapEarlyCalls: @UniswapEarlyCalls