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Current Chair of the SCGOP Drew McKissick still regularly post | UnredactedTruth

Current Chair of the SCGOP Drew McKissick still regularly posts on Twitter.

President Trump and I were both kicked off and banned by Twitter on the same day in January. I view that action by Twitter and Jack “Commie” Dorsey as a badge of honor.

Drew has a pinned tweet on his home Twitter page of a handwritten endorsement that he apparently received from the President 2 years ago.

I am told that Drew sought the endorsement to deter another candidate from challenging him for Chair 2 years ago.

On February 23, 2021, Drew pinned the same endorsement on his Twitter home page to suggest it was a new endorsement for this year’s campaign for Chair. This was a month before I announced in late March that I was challenging McKissick for Chair of the SCGOP.

This strikes me as somewhat misleading.

What do you think?

Asking for a friend.