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Aquatic Organisms The aquatic organisms are classified on th | Upsc Environment

Aquatic Organisms

The aquatic organisms are classified on the basis of their zone of occurrence.

Neuston: These organisms live at the air-water interface, e.g. floating plants.

Periphyton: These are organisms which remain attached to stems and leaves of rooted plants or substances emerging above the bottom mud such as sessile algae.

Plankton: Microscopic floating organisms such as algae, diatoms, protozoans and larval forms are called plankton. This group includes both microscopic plants like algae (phytoplankton) and animals like crustaceans and protozoans (zooplankton).

The locomotory power of the planktons is limited so that their distribution is controlled, largely, by currents in the aquatic ecosystems.

Nekton: This group contains powerful swimmers that can overcome the water currents.

Benthos: The benthic organisms are those found living at the bottom of the water mass