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Salut à tous ! As we promised, we are here with the 14th e | UPSC Optional Books

Salut à tous !

As we promised, we are here with the 14th edition of our Sociological bulletin : "The Social Fact" which adds value to your UPSC preparation.

This magazine helps you to understand :
The art of seeing the normal things from the nuanced angle and "connecting the dots" in the haphazard happening world
The art of "explaining" the complex social issues.
The art of giving novel "Perspective" to the common things.

This edition is for a thinker, who's book: Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage, was cited in the US Supreme Court decision on equality to same sex couples marriage So our team decided to dedicate this edition to "Stephanie Coontz "

Join our telegram channel for more Sociological currents affairs and daily Sociological answer writing.
Telegram Link : https://t.me/sivarajavelsociology

Download The Social Fact: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wOeEMoD6n1RLX_0baWmRQTOkaqGoYm9H/view?usp=sharing
