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U.S. faces off against CHINA & RUSSIA in what (seems ) like a | MilitaryNews

U.S. faces off against CHINA & RUSSIA in what (seems ) like a world war _EVENT...
( This EVENT _WILL trigger NUCLEAR clear STANDOFF///
I have WARNED of this EVENT for a year and half now coming)//
_It's confirmed Israel has over 40 NUCLEAR warheads ...
_IRAN has several from Black markets
>A Majority of major Nations has thousands....

We head into the brink of NUCLEAR Annihilation... ////But I'm the END everything will be fine.....

There is a reason.. TRUMP, PUTIN, XI, MODI, BIN SALMAN are working together...
They have INSURED nothing MAJOR will happen in the NUCLEAR fronts/)))
There is a reason.... For the Scare_ EVENT...

We are inside the WAR already. WAR on food shortage, gas shortage, free speech, first amendment rights, war on misinformation, .. Many are fighting to expose vaccines, the false pandemic... The Globalists WHO unleashed the bioweapons..... Those who created the pathogens....
There are so many wars being fought now globally.. From middle east to Russia to China African military coups...
all these EVENTS Will transpire into RIOTS as markets collapse, antifa gets ready to burn cities for the summer, electric grids go down.. banks close, food shelves become empty,. ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT see ECT ECT ect ect ect...

Be strong Patriots/ANONS/ freedom FIGHTERS.. You were Warned of all these EVENTS fairly far before they happened.. You had and still have prompt time to prepare food, goods and self safety to put in place////..

We have come to the point where the DEEP STATE CABAL across the world are trying desperately to play thirty last cards..>Create War, create new pandemic, create world laws.....

The civil unrest we are in..WILL continue to grow..... As The sheep continue to sleep and become a militia for the deep state OPERATIONS lost inside MOCKINGBIRD operation dreams.

In the end


When everything is done.... humans will learn to grow fresh clean food again..... Right now Trump and white HATS in the Senate, congress and U.S. corporations are putting plans together to bring out tens of thousands of tons of fertilizer under the U.S grounds. >> Poisoning of foods by major U.S. deep state companies ( Monsanto ECT ECT)WILL exposed [ EXPOSED]>>>>

THE FOOD INDUSTRY WILL BE [EXPOSED] and connected to the CABAL/DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT ( Trump has spoken about several times )....
>) WIRES;: THREE of the destroyed Food warehouses and companies that burned down were white HAT operations...
>>>the food contained several poisoning agents/graphene OXIDE/batches of nano tech connected to biotechnology<<<
The cloud of WAR
