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It appears the SPLC kikes have been crying out as they strike | US Voter Fraud & Coup-Ops Intel 2020 - 2022

It appears the SPLC kikes have been crying out as they strike again with their latest hitpiece.


>admitting for the umpteenth time that leaderless resistance and emergent coordination are a threat to the system

"Far-right extremists and white supremacist terrorists have embraced Telegram as their platform of choice, signaling a shift away from these groups’ traditional methods of organizing and toward a dangerous future defined by by leaderless resistance and 'lone actor' terrorism."

>kvetching about how quickly we regroup and regrow our followings after being swatted down by that niggerfaggot durov

"In other cases, administrators chose to abandon their prior restricted channels and simply create a new, unrestricted channel using a new name. One such channel, run by former Republican congressional candidate and white supremacist accelerationist Paul Nehlen, grew over 150% between 2019 and 2020 after being rebooted under a similar name."

>whinging about Corona Chan News promoting outreach to further radicalize disenfranchised trumpsters and terrorgrams meteoric rise in general

"Three channels identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as part of the Terrorgram network were created as late as spring and summer of 2020, and by the end of the year had collectively acquired over 16,100 followers. One of these three channels, which originated in February 2020, focused specifically on tying extremist messaging to the COVID-19 pandemic."

>oy veying about the efficacy and accessibility of our propaganda

"Telegram presents other challenges to the white power movement’s traditional mode of organizing. The platform makes promoting visual propaganda simple, and users are bombarded with an almost endless wall of neo-Nazi imagery when they log on. There are no requirements for membership to public channels, as well as many chats, which makes joining easy. Additionally, anyone with access to image editing software can create and broadcast their own extremist propaganda. As the white power movement increasingly shifts to organizing online, these aspects of the platform will prove to be crucial."

Thanks for the free publicity, retards.
