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American nationalist group Patriot Front (@PatriotFrontVideos, | US Voter Fraud & Coup-Ops Intel 2020 - 2022

American nationalist group Patriot Front (@PatriotFrontVideos, @PatriotFrontUpdates) has made the news for putting up stickers condemning communism and encouraging unity on university campuses.

You can see the propaganda of the system on full display here. They have a woman and a gay black set up the story with anti-white buzzwords like "white supremacists" and talk about how they "vandalized" college campuses. Next they throw to a field reporter who sites the SPLC, an organization that exists solely to catagorize and slander groups of white people that they consider a threat to the anti-white system. Next they trot out their activist minority who runs a men of color (meaning no whites allowed) group on campus, who talks about how they're going to fight the battle against racism. They conclude by saying they hope someone is arrested for the act.

Good job by Patriot Front, we need more groups like them.
