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Thanks Michelle 'While I’ve always enjoyed a busy social li | Vaccine Choice Australia

Thanks Michelle
"While I’ve always enjoyed a busy social life and had many long standing friendships, I often found myself holding back and not speaking my truth. I had views on local and global issues, thoughts on how society could operate for the betterment of all, and the intrusion of government in our lives - that less government was better government, all of which rarely fully aligned with the views of my circle of friends. I just accepted that I was different.
Since 2020 that has changed dramatically. Many of those long standing friendships are no longer (for which I still have very mixed feelings), and in place of those relationships I now have new ones where I can be my most authentic self. It has been a revelation, and an unexpected gift from what has been a very challenging 3 years. From this experience I’ve learned what community means, how it feels to sit amongst like minded people, how it feels to know I’m not alone, strange, or don’t fit. What an amazing gift!"

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