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In Part 1, Robyn Chuter was discussing why masks don't prevent | Vaccine Choice Australia

In Part 1, Robyn Chuter was discussing why masks don't prevent viral respiratory illnesses.

In Part 2 of Robyn's 3-part series, she summarises again (she has written many articles on both topics previously) why influenza vaccines AND the so-called covid19 'vaccines' (in fact they are not even a vaccine) don't prevent infection with, or transmission of, the influenza or the sars-cov-2 viruses.

Even Fauci is agreeing with Robyn Chuter now. WHAT? you might think. Are we talking about the same person here? Yes, we are.

But have a read for yourself and find out (if you don't know already) what we can easily do to maintain our health or produce the required antibodies that prevent respiratory diseases without having to inject ourselves with either of those 'vaccines'.