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This post is for those who are writing Mains 2021. Hello, Ke | Vasu Jain (AIR 67, CSE 2020 - LAW Optional)

This post is for those who are writing Mains 2021.


Keeping it short, here are 7 things you MUST do in next 4 days before you write first paper of CSM-21

1. Sleep-wake cycle:
Please get back to normal sleep-wake cycle. Sleep adequately and everyday. Yes, your productivity should be at peak in next week but at the same time ensure good-sound sleep. Wake up at 7am anyhow. Eat healthy food, drink more water than caffeine.

2. What’s the agenda for next 4 days:
Based on your own priorities, find your own agenda for next 4 days. Revise most important stuff as much as you can. Revise basic ratta wala stuff like basic Laxmikant, History content and other data related stuff etc, etc. But have a predetermined agenda for next 4days. And you have to revise entire GS in these days anyhow.

3. Forget about optional now:
Completely forget about the next set of papers of 15,16th January. Give dedicated 6 hours slot for Essay paper. Collect good content on major themes. Read toppers answer copies (both in Essay and GS)

4. Write papers:
In my opinion it would be a good exercise if you write a couple of mock papers in these days, may vary, I do not insist. Not at all

5. Figure out:
How are you going to reach the exam centre, what if there will be COVID-19 restrictions, what all stuff do you need to carry? Water bottles or not? Etc, etc. Do it now so that when everything will go south on the day of exam, you will be confident.

6. Faith fights fear:
Anxiety, fear and frustration is natural. You must be feeling whether you will pass or not? Is your prep sufficient? What is remaining will definitely not be asked
At this point of time no matter how clichéd it sounds but you are going do best, the best of what you imagine, just have faith and hope.
Remember in the end it is not about losing or winning the battle on the ground but it’s definitely about winning the battle in your mind.

7. As of now there will be no postponement of CSM21. In my opinion it won’t happen. Just prepare yourself for the fact that may be, May be everything wrong and uncertain might actually happen on D-Day. But, You don’t have to bother about such things, always control the controllable.

I hope, for all of you, irrespective of the outcome, this CSM-21 will be one hell of an experience.
And, yes,
When you are writing, write like you have nothing to leave.!

Best wishes,

Try to attempt all the questions, push yourself in the exam and Innovate in your answers as much as you can.!