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Why the difference? The easiest answer is “when in Rome.” Hung | VDARE.com

Why the difference? The easiest answer is “when in Rome.” Hungary is different from America. Its Right is fine with openly discussing demographic change and speaking of its people in ethnic terms instead of ideological terms. CPAC conformed to the mood of its surroundings. Talk of how immigrants are real Americans or Westerners would’ve been out of a place in a country that resolutely objects to that delusion.

But it’s not just the surroundings either. CPAC knew what it was doing by hosting an event in Hungary. Hungary isn’t popular with American conservatives because it has low taxes and business-friendly policies. Orban’s country is popular because it resists globalism, open borders, and the Great Replacement. This is an appealing program to millions of Americans who hope an Orban will emerge in our own country. Tucker Carlson, whom Orban praised in his CPAC, is now the most influential conservative in America. Tucker regularly talks about America First issues that conservatives would have ignored or condemned in years past. His nightly monologues set the tone for the American Right, and they make an impact.

The mainstream American Right is changing, as evidenced by CPAC Hungary. What needs to happen is for CPAC to host something like it in America. Middle Americans are done with Con Inc. talking points. They want Orbanism.
