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Back in the halcyon days of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael B | VDARE.com

Back in the halcyon days of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg, we had one other fact to guide us: Criminals were in prison. Unfortunately for black people, a small percentage of their community commit a boatload of crime. But as long as criminals went to prison, New Yorkers could pass black men with little concern because if they were criminals, they’d most likely be locked up, not standing on a subway platform next to you.

Not anymore. Now, the criminals are out among us. There’s no possible way to evaluate a stranger, except the statistics. E.g.: Blacks, who make up about 20% of New York's population, commit more than 70% of the shootings. In Los Angeles, blacks are only 8% of the population, but commit nearly half of the murders.

Suddenly, New Yorkers, Los Angelenos and anyone else living under Democratic control are behaving like the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who once remarked that when he heard footsteps on the street behind him, he would, “look around and see it’s somebody white and feel relieved.” He made that statement in 1993—the very year Giuliani was elected mayor, before proceeding to drive down crime rates and liberate black people from dangerous neighborhoods, as well as from suspicious looks.

This is the cautionary note for black people. The Democrats’ Free All Criminals policies have hurt black people in myriad ways—mostly by getting thousands more of them robbed, assaulted and killed each year—but also in other, more subtle ways, like this.

As Senate candidate Blake Masters of Arizona said—and the media lied about—it is blacks, frankly, who suffer the most when criminals aren’t locked up. And the Democrats don’t care.
