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It’s not about a VIRUS, It’s about CONTROL “For I am the Lo | VERITAS (Parabellum)

It’s not about a VIRUS, It’s about CONTROL

“For I am the Lord who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26)

Governments and their usual assistants, doctors and the media and the police, tell you that in order to get rid of the new plague, you have to adapt to new seemingly health policies and restrictions. However, statistics show that despite nationwide vaccinations and restrictions, the death rate has not changed much from last year.

It's obvious to the believers that the real cure is only in the hands of God, and if there is a new plague, it's the result of infidelity, oppression and sins that have spread throughout the world that only repentance can eliminate it.

mandatory vaccination policy and Covid passports which are essentially health apartheid seem more to be an attempt by governments to extend more control over citizens by amplifying fear of death, and that is precisely why they suppress any resistance.

God bless us and the United States of America
