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If it's not clear that Satan runs the world, let's do a little | Wakingup1984

If it's not clear that Satan runs the world, let's do a little rundown on what the world promotes (remember he works on 1000 year time-frames like his children, so the degradation is gradual).

Genders: There are 100s of genders.

Sex: Perverted, selfish, and lacking any restraint. Porn and casual dating replace marriage.

Morals: Do what feels good (hedonism).

Food: Toxic and nutrient deficient.

Water: Toxic and acidic.

Air: Toxic.

Entertainment: Degenerate distractions, shock value is paramount, anti-Christian themes everywhere, lacking any substance or beauty. Dopamine rushes are prioritized. Most entertainment is passive in nature.

Architecture: Cold, formless abominations of glass and metal, lacking any kind of soul or taste. Not evocative of any feelings. Void of tradition or a semblance of creativity.

Philosophy: Society riddled with armchair atheist/agnostic philosophers who lack any sort of wisdom or morality. Their sin has hardened their hearts and clouded their judgement. They are the blind leading the blind.

Science: It has become a religion, with its many saints, symbols, dogmas, and faith based beliefs. The general population uses it to virtue signal that they are superior to those who don't take it as the absolute truth. The scientific method disregarded and made irrelevant. Empiricism is no longer important.

Art: A money laundering scheme of grown adults painting toddler-level pictures. Sculptures have lost their awe and only make one recoil in disgust. Beauty is no longer important, rather ugliness has been set as the standard of human achievement. Skill is no longer valuable.

History: Completely unreliable and a large portion entirely rewritten. Billions of years added to the past. They might have even changed the year. Propaganda shapes our view of the past, present, and future.

News: Fear mongering, outright lies, half truths, genocidal rhetoric, secular bias, gaslighting, false flags, and programming to accept their agenda. It makes you less intelligent and less informed the more you watch it.

Education: Liberal indoctrination centers. History taught is propaganda and lies. Science is taught as a miracle institution that only smart people are interested in. No practical skills are taught to the students. White children learn to hate themselves from a young age. The nature of our reality is intentionally covered up and the kids learn about space, astronauts, dinosaurs, spinning balls, gravity, and futurism. Schools set their students up for failure in the real world.

Laws: Completely arbitrary at this point. The police are above the law. Mega corporations and their CEOs are not liable for imprisonment if they harm or defraud their customers. The evil get rich. The rich become evil. The judges are either jewish or freemasons. The police departments are freemasonic. Laws change based on pressure from the elite.

Healthcare: Service is prohibatively costly. Toxic vaccines are promoted as cures without any information as to all the possible side effects. Often the doctors don't even know the ingredients. Hollistic medicine is nowhere to be found in any hospital and most clinics. Modern medicine promotes treatments over cures as a patient cured is a patient lost. Responsible for one of the top leading causes of death.
