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Body doubles, holograms, occultic rituals, and hidden undergro | Wanda Alger

Body doubles, holograms, occultic rituals, and hidden underground cities are things of fiction. Or, are they? Do we really know the kind of world we’re living in and the technology that is currently available?

We are in an epic time of biblical proportions. If we are going to claim we only want “the real thing” and “the truth,” we’d better be prepared to have our minds blown. In Jesus’ day, the idea of a supernatural language and tongues of fire were ludicrous and considered heresy - even demonic. That generation wasn’t prepared to receive the global shift that took place in their lifetime because they didn’t discern the times. Only a remnant chose to believe.

Don’t let a spirit of unbelief limit your understanding by a knee-jerk reaction of “no way!” Realize that some of the things to be revealed are beyond our current comprehension AND comfortability. They are going to seriously challenge our worldview and our faith.

Between the prophetic dreams I’ve had for the last twenty years and the research I’ve done, I know the Lord has been preparing us for some hard truths. I may not like them, understand them, or be able to explain them – but I will consider them. I will dare to take a closer look and ask the Holy Spirit to expand my capacity to believe. I’d rather have the heart of a child that is curious and willing to take a risk, than a critical adult unwilling to color outside the lines for fear of being wrong.

Just saying – get ready for the adventure of a lifetime...