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Bobby and I are currently in Indiana leading a conference on K | Wanda Alger

Bobby and I are currently in Indiana leading a conference on Kingdom Authority. I’m just now catching up on your comments - especially the ongoing testimonies from those of you who have lost loved ones due to the corrupt hospital practices. My, O my! My heart truly goes out to each of you who have lost a family member because of these absolutely demonic agendas. (Please hear me - I don’t believe all doctors and all hospitals are complicit. Thank God there are still some good ones left!) It’s more proof that this is, indeed, a WAR and that there are increasing casualties from the fight. Even so, I believe none of their deaths have to be in vain if we who remain take a righteous stand for truth and justice.

I would also say that those of you who did take the vaccine, and now regret it, have powerful voices! In the early days, so many good people thought they were doing “the right thing” by taking it. I continue to pray Gods healing grace and mercy on those caught unawares. And if you are one of those, I encourage you to let your testimony be heard. Your story can be received by many who won’t listen to anyone else - and you can make a huge difference.

The victory is still ours as we speak the truth in love and apply the blood of the Lamb!

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” (Revelation 12:11)