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I just received an email from a doctor in Richmond, Virginia, | Wanda Alger

I just received an email from a doctor in Richmond, Virginia, who has been on the frontlines of saving lives with Ivermectin. She helped my own family come through Covid and has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help many people stay alive. For anyone who lives in southeast Virginia, she is calling for people to join in a legal battle next Thursday that is HUGE. For those near Norfolk, she's asking for boots on the ground. For those outside the state, she's asking for prayer. This is what she wrote:

“Dear Covid Recovered Families: I am writing to ask your assistance at a critical time. Dr. Paul Marik, the medical director of the FLCCC, will be in court on Thursday in Norfolk, VA at 1 pm. He is suing Sentara Hospital because he is forbidden from using any part of protocol to treat ICU patients with Covid. I am attaching the press release.

Dr. Marik and his team of doctors developed the protocol that I used to help so many of you when you were diagnosed with Covid. Dr Marik has been fighting this battle alone. We cannot let him walk into that court room feeling he has no support. We need to send a message to the judge and to Sentara hospital that the doctor-patient relationship is sacred and that doctors should never be prevented from saving the lives of their patients.

If you can make a sign and come to Norfolk on Thursday, please let me know. Please share this with your friends and family or anyone who may be able to assist. I would like to let the FLCCC know on Monday how many people can come. We need everyone. If Sentara wins, people will continue to die. You know firsthand how important Ivermectin and the other parts of the protocol are. We cannot let the corrupt CDC, FDA and pharmaceutical companies control the doctor-patient relationship and limit life-saving treatment.

If you cannot attend, please pray. We need the strength, guidance, and blessings of almighty God during this time. With all my sincere appreciation for being strong during your illness and trusting me to help you.” (Sheila M. Furey, MD) Contact her at drfurey@protonmail.com or text at 804-914-1949. She is also on Telegram. Pass it on!