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The COVID story everyone should be talking about! Global Co | We Are Already Free

The COVID story everyone should be talking about!

Global Covid Narrative Collapsing:

Mandatory vaccines illegal in Costa Rica (interview details. Watch here).

Costa Rica's President speaks out against vaccine mandates (here).

Los Angeles schools ditch most Covid-19 protocols, including masks.

School Covid-19 vaccine mandates not happening across USA.

23 U.S. state attorneys tell court CDC cannot set transit mask rules.

CDC changes Covid guidelines, ending quarantine for unvaccinated.

NZ borders fully reopen as Covid-19 travel restrictions end.

Norwegian cruises drop Covid-19 'vaccine' requirement.

Denmark ends Covid 'vaccine' for anyone 18 or younger.

Fox News declares Covid vaccine is the most dangerous ever.

Covid-19 'vaccine' injuries being compensated around the world.

Japanese surgeon calls for suspension of Covid boosters.

Italy's medical agency declares unvaccinated can return to work.

First Covid vaccine plant in Africa closes without a single order.

Largely unvaccinated Niger, Africa: no Covid cases and deaths unlike OZ.

Growing Movement for Freedom:

Thousands of Germans demonstrate in Berlin to end Covid-19 'vaccine'.

Kim Iversen quits The Hill’s show Rising as cannot ask Dr. Fauci Qs.

College football coach files $25 million claim against Washington.

OZ govt. ends Covid campaign as millions lose interest in injections.

40 doctors speaking out on the right side of history to stop the shots.

Unvaccinated Canadian GO Transit & UPX workers called back due to staff shortages and legal actions.

U.S. Coast Guard members sue Federal Government over vaccine.

Awake Canada promise the biggest Canadian convoy ever in Sept.

99.96% of Israelis say no to Covid vaccine for babies and toddlers.

Trust in the CDC hits an all-time low as U.S. parents say 'Not for My Child.'

U.S. student vaccine mandates die as 97% of parents lose interest.

Inspirational Covid-related Media:

Neil Oliver Wakes Up first episode with Dr. Tess Lawrie.

Special GB Thinker: Dr Anne O'Reilly from NZDSOS speaks out.

Letter taken from a well educated nurse about Covid 'vaccine.'

Vaccine Injured healthcare worker speaks from the heart.

DeSantis explains the moment he knew Covid was a fraud.

David Icke is bonkers (sarcasm). We've known that since 1995.

Fear as a weapon, and practical strategies to deal with fear.

Fear for Monkeypox? Stand up and say NO to the next plandemic.

Healing & Community is Strength:

"Before You Inject Your Child" - Dr. Malone warns all parents.

Frontline GP's 99.95% success rate treating 3,000 C19 patients.

People in fear and people in anger only cause more pain to each other.

Remember to take a break in nature with friends.

Remember music, relaxation, creativity, smiling and good times.

15 experts Lead Your Life Through Covid: free event by Health Matters.

Breath Awareness meditation. Peace and freedom starts with the breath.

CPN origin story. We've reached 24,000 subs. That's insane!

Fellow critical thinking tutor reaches out to Robito. We are many!

Classroom Earth and our purpose in these Covid times.

Parallel Better World Debate:

Declines in fertility post Covid-19 vaccine are temporary. No to fear.

OZ doctors building an alternative medical association (AMPS).

U.S.-based React19 offers global support for the vaccine injured.

Americans ditch the fake two-party system for medical freedom.

How we can move from this abusive system and unify with Caroline Pover.

How you feel reading this news?

Nurturing a Positive focus optimises our ability to think, feel, heal and act.