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WESTERBORK 'DEATH' CAMP ARCHIVE FOOTAGE (1944) This short, s | Whites Awakening ᛉ


This short, silent movie was filmed 78 years ago in the spring of 1944. Location of filming took place inside of "Nazi" Germany's, Westerbork "death" camp.

German-jewish camp prisoner Rudolf Werner Breslauer, was tragically forced to work laboriously, for some 2 years as camp photographer, before being allowed access to a home movie camera, in order to film the terrible conditions at camp.
0:00 fußball
2:00 khazarian calisthenics
3:02 chamber orchestra
3:18 plays, dancing, & vaudeville acts
7:08 fußball
7:46 burlesque comedy accompanied by small orchestra
12:25 Arbeit Macht Frei (work shall set you free)

*Westerbork Camp is "officially" known as a "transit camp" since jewish media did not know how to spin this footage in a way to make "Nazis" look evil. Reality is every camp was a "transit camp" until Allied Powers (US,UK) decided to bomb supply routes to camps, and by doing so, also starved a number of jews.