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All Commodity Mega Cycles start as Supply Shocks. Never in th | WOLF OF DALAL STREET

All Commodity Mega Cycles start as Supply Shocks.

Never in the history of this world has any Commodity Bull market started as a Demand Shock.

Demand shock comes 18-24 months into the mega cycle when the world realizes that we have been woefully underinvesting in Exploration/Mining.

Just because you had very low inflation globally for the more than 12 years since post Lehman Brother Crisis

You extrapolate the same for the current Decade.

It would be a grave mistake in my view.

Transition in Sector Leadership is always Violent. That's what you are witnessing now.

Finally Inflation is coming out of Hibernation. After Staying in Comma for long years we will see Inflation go higher in years to come.

And now see even any Central Bank in the World cannot Stop it...

World will become more costly and expensive to Live. Now its time to Dump Fixed Deposits in Banks. Turn towards Smart Investing and Valuable Asset Class for Stable and Long Term Wealth Generation.

Position yourself accordingly.
