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Jen Psaki, Biden's press secretary, plans to step down in a ye | World Awakening

Jen Psaki, Biden's press secretary, plans to step down in a year. "I think that in about a year, another person will take over this post," she said.

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan says "there are votes" for ousting a frustrated and bitter Liz Cheney from the GOP leadership.

Biden relies not only on the prompter, but also on notebooks. That's what happened when he came to New Orleans. This "president" does not know how to do anything by himself, without outside help. Nor does the" devout Catholic "Biden mention "God" in the proclamation of the National Day of Prayer.

South Carolina has agreed to reinstate the firing squad in accordance with the state's execution procedures. The law, passed by 66 votes to 43, would require death row inmates to choose either execution by firing squad or electrocution if lethal injection drugs are not available during their scheduled execution.
"I will sign this law as soon as it gets to my desk," Governor McMaster tweeted after the vote.

BLM fighters paint AR-15s and AK-47s on Portland vehicles. No police on the scene, as the reign of terror of the left here continues in full swing.

Psaki admitted that she advises Joe Biden not to answer impromptu questions from reporters.

None of the supporters met Biden, who received 81 million votes, when he arrived in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

"There must be a new trial" - Attorney Alan Dershowitz on the Chauvin case after a defense attorney filed a motion for a new trial, arguing that the jury's conduct was improper.

Dirty partisan professor Pamela Carlan, who shared a crude "joke" about Barron Trump last year, wrote a threatening letter to the Arizona Senate this week.

Windham residents organized a fundraiser to hire their own auditor, Jovan Pulitzer, to audit the votes in their city's presidential election.

Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer borrowed a billionaire private jet for a secret flight to Florida during a surge in Covid and lockdowns.

"If they really intend to stop us, I see a big problem with that!" - Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett talks to TGP's Jordan Conradson after Biden's Justice Department threatened to interfere with the audit of the state election.

The Arizona Republican Party is now also claiming that the Justice Department is trying to interfere with the Maricopa County audit.

Another organization behind the attempt to stop the audit in Maricopa County - ETG National Election Crisis Task Force-has been revealed.

Biden mumbles about his "Infrastructure" bill, falsely claiming that his $ 3 trillion in tax increases " don't cost anyone anything."»

A massive scandal is brewing in the Bellingham School District in Washington, where a first-grade teacher recently read a book about transgenderism to a first-grader.
The uproar over the book prompted parents to contact the school board and it became clear that the school board president owned a sex toy store "for all ages."

Philip Stark elected as the third and final member of the Windham Court Audit - a California mathematician who made headlines after leaving a confirmed vote.

The Biden administration announced that it is suspending intellectual property rights and providing patent information on COVID vaccines to China and the world.
They believe that giving the study away for free will help end the Chinese virus pandemic.

Details: "External devices" with up-to-date voting results were removed from the site every night during the election by Maricopa County employees or Dominion "specialists".

A sixth-grader opened fire at a school in the United States, wounding two students and one employee.

Marine Le Pen to the French generals: "Join me in the battle for France."