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Hacker deleted all of NewsBlur’s mongo data and is now holding | Hacker News 🚀

Hacker deleted all of NewsBlur’s mongo data and is now holding the data hostage
https://bit.ly/2SnnyEd | 280+

Ask HN: Notion is withholding my company data, what can I do?
https://bit.ly/2SZLDBm | 111+

It’s True: Stress Does Turn Hair Gray (and It’s Reversible)
https://bit.ly/3vTy9o0 | 92+

Treesheets: cross-platform, free-form data organizer app
https://bit.ly/35OSlNq | 25+

How YouTube’s rules are used to silence human rights activists
https://bit.ly/3d8TqUl | 87+

Introduction to Locality-Sensitive Hashing
https://bit.ly/3gReBN1 | 39+