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The Zelenko Protocol was developed by me using hydroxychloroqu | Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol)

The Zelenko Protocol was developed by me using hydroxychloroquine. I subsequently added the use of ivermectin when it was shown to work.

The devolved pagans have done everything possible to suppress access to these medication and have provided false fear mongering to the sheepish public.

The newest garbage on ivermectin is that a medication used billions of times is being blamed for reduction of sperm count in patients with river blindness from a Nigerian study from 2011.

Oh really, perhaps it is the parasitic disease that damage the scrotum of affected patients.


Stop being stupid sheep.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

P.S. Dear devolved pagans. You could have come with something more credible than a 10 year old study from Nigeria. I expect better.