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OPEN LETTER TO AMERICA Dr. Steven Hatfill Dear America, Thi | Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol)


Dr. Steven Hatfill

Dear America,

This is the story of possibly the greatest corruption scandal in our country’s history.

This is the story of how petty bureaucrats and drug companies unjustly discredited an inexpensive FDA-approved drug that would have prevented COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths for political spite and financial gain. These perpetrators, who now hold more significant positions in government, need to be held accountable for over 500,000 American deaths and the disruption of our economy.

This is the story of how a few key government officials failed to implement our well-formulated National Pandemic Plan and their weaponization of a dangerously complicit mainstream media.

I tell this story because we, the People, deserve answers — those responsible need to be held accountable for their actions. The COVID-19 pandemic was a proverbial “warning shot across our bow.” Thus, we must forever prioritize pandemic preparedness as critical to our national security.

We deserve better. We deserve the truth. We deserve answers. We deserve JUSTICE.

I hope my words and timeline will help clarify what has happened, who is involved, and what action must be taken to protect our health and freedom.

My name is Dr. Steven Hatfill. I am a specialist physician, recognized Virologist, Biological Weapons expert and I worked as an outside advisor to the Executive Office of the President of the United States from February 2020 through the inaugural transition period of 2021. My statements are not speculation because I had a front-row seat from the very beginning of the pandemic. My subsequent published papers and articles have been painstakingly referenced and fact-checked.

Some will tell you this is just another conspiracy theory, so I ask you to read on and judge for yourselves.


1. 2005 — the United States creates its first-ever National Pandemic Plan, outlining the actions to combat a serious respiratory viral disease pandemic. This is based on the previous Biological Weapons Improved Response Plan.

2. 2008 — President Obama closes the White House Global Health Security Office.

3. 2013 — after the SARS and MERS outbreaks, Chinese virologists collect hundreds of samples from bats for study at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Collaborative research begins on the Coronaviruses, including Gain Of Function (GOF) experiments (research which involves increasing the capacity of a pathogen to cause illness) in China and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

4. 2014 — The West Africa Ebola virus outbreak occurs. Dr. Anthony Fauci MD promotes a single layer of gloves for nursing Ebola patients and other inadequate protective measures. His instructions endanger the lives of health care workers, and national guidelines for protection must be urgently updated.

5. 2014 — United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) ban GOF research. The ban was implemented for 2014–2017.

6. 2015 — Chinese virologists and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conduct unauthorized GOF experiments on coronaviruses.

7. 2017 — The 2005 Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Pandemic Plan is updated. The specific responsibilities of local authorities, states, and the federal government have been clearly stated. The national plan is to use early, outpatient antiviral drug treatment, home quarantine, and case contact tracing to cover the “vaccine gap” (the time needed to develop a vaccine to combat any pathogen).

8. December 2019 — Chinese authorities report the first outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan. On January 21, the first recognized case of COVID-19 occurs in the United States.

9. February 2020 — Dr. Steven Hatfill MD, a specialist physician and recognized Virologist, is brought into the White House as an outside medical advisor.

Some members of the COVID-19 Task Force are considering the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a safe and effective FDA-approved drug, to control the rapidly spreading pandemic.