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I am a conspiracy realist NOT a conspiracy theorist. It is no | Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol)

I am a conspiracy realist NOT a conspiracy theorist. It is not a theory when it is true.

Mr. Globalist you WILL pay the highest price possible for your crimes against humanity, genocide, and mass murder.

Humanity has opened its’ eyes and we see your paganism, child sacrifice, infanticide, and idol worship.

Your Nazi field marshals; sociopaths and Jeffery Epstein lovers Bill Gates/Clinton, Klausy Shmuck, little Georgy sorrow, Mark pyschoberg, Jackass Dampsy, and all your other puppets will all go down.

Mr Globalist, we know you are satanic, bal peor and moloch worshippers.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has had enough of you. Your use as divine toilet paper as expired.

God consciousness has awoken and you vermin will be exterminated by it.

1 + 2 = 0

One God + two worlds = zero fear

Good bye devolved pagans. Get ready for an eternity of divine retribution.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD