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Here are some tips that help me memorise new words: Keep an | A ACADEMY

Here are some tips that help me memorise new words:

Keep an organised vocabulary notebook.

I often see students writing new words everywhere on their notebooks and I'm more than sure that they will never remember about that word later. You better have a seperate notebook for vocabulary. The process will be more efficient if you divide the each page into several columns for definitions, examples and possibly synonyms.

Look at the words again after 24 hours, after one week and after one month

However often we stress the importance of revision, that will never suffice. Once you learn the new word, it will only be committed to your short-term memory. To transfer it to long-term memory, you need to revise the words as often as possible. I still remember how I reviewed all the 1000 words I learned during the week before learning another one new word. The problem here with many students is that they stress out to learn as many words as possible at the expense of the old ones they learnt before. What's the point of such a blind work?

Read, read, read. The more times you ‘see’ a word the more easily you will remember it.

Immersion is the key to success. I often picked up words from articles on different topics, say, sport, education and etc. After a while, I searched for new articles on the same topics to see if I come across the words I learnt before. Encountering the same words over and over again enabled me using them in my daily life as well
