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Some useful phrases to enrich your vocabulary back to busines | A ACADEMY

Some useful phrases to enrich your vocabulary

back to business
(ready and able to function or begin an activity, pursuit, or task again)
It’s back to business for me after my holiday.

back to the grind
(back to the work routine)
Back to the grind on Monday and I’m dreading it.

to daydream
(think pleasant and wishful thoughts during daytime)
I can’t help daydreaming when I’m bored at work.

to be/get lost in thought
(give all your attention to what you are thinking about and do not notice what is going on around you)
Sorry, I was lost in thought there for a second.

same old, same old
(nothing new, nothing has changed, same as always)
Any news? - Nope, same old same old.

do your utmost
(do your best)
I'm doing my utmost to support you.

be of utmost importance
(be very important)
It's of utmost importance that we cut down on plastics.

do the groceries/do grocery shopping
(buy food for your house)
I must do the groceries as we're running out of food.

done and dusted
(completely finished and ready)
That’s the shopping done and dusted. We’re all set for the week now.

(a little hungry)
I'm a little peckish, think I'll have a snack.

(very hungry)
Are you starving or just a little peckish? What do you fancy?

(very full)
I’m absolutely stuffed now so no dessert for me thanks.
