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WHO is now recommending HUMAN EDITING (gnome editing). Everyo | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

WHO is now recommending HUMAN EDITING (gnome editing).

Everyone rolled their eyes when we said that one day they would force vaccines. Everyone rolled their eyes when we said they’d start shutting people off from society unless they had a vaccine passport.

Now here me when I say, just like they are “editing” our natural environment, they will start forcing human editing, because it’s about control.

The Forth Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset - its all about transhumanism and global control. And all these people, the UN, WHO, the World Economic Forum, our government - they are all working together to push this agenda.

GTA (Gene Technology Alliance): Gene Data Storage and Application with direct links to China is basically a giant DNA storage and research project happening right here in Australia.

GTA is also apparently known for it’s artificial intelligence technology which apparently assists in their research and their goals of manipulating human gene sequencing (playing with the genetic makeup of the human race).

And guess who is chairman?

Henry Palaszczuk.

Yep, Queensland’s own premier, Anastasia Palaszczuk’s own father.

It’s a new trillion dollar industry, but they were a little scarce on genes, so... get ready for it...

...”by combining advanced gene sequencing technology and blockchain storage technology, it adopted unique blockchain incentive mechanism to quickly attract individual users, gene sequencing companies, medical, pharmaceutical, health services and other data applications on the same platform, as a result of which, a gold mine of gene data storage and application has been built with a global genetic data storage as the core and profound application value.”

“Go get tested” she says. Why, Anna?

Genetic research and altering. The next step in the total control and manipulation of humanity and Australia is tied right up to it.


Klaus Schwab. Founder of the World Economic Forum and author of “COVID19: THE GREAT RESET” and “The Forth Industrial Revolution”.

The corrupt is deep: https://www.australiansovereigntyalliance.com/post/the-great-reset



