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'Sub-acids are the next best: apples, blackberries, blueberrie | Living Healthy & Free Podcast with Katrina

"Sub-acids are the next best: apples, blackberries, blueberries, cantelope, cherries, grapes, mangos, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, watermelon make up this group."

"Sweet fruits include: bananas, dates, figs, papaya. These will fill you up and give you lots of energy but they're not that aggressive."

"While detoxing, an 80% fruit diet is recommended."

"Unripe fruit is the source of acid in the diet, so don't eat it."

"To support moving the lymph, consider sauna, light exercise, rebounding, skin brushing, massage."

"Fruit is a strong cleanser and can strip a lot of toxins and mucus. You may exerpience some side effects as toxins leave the body. These include: headaches, fatigue, irritability, emotional releases, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, muscle cramps, sore throat, etc. This usually lasts just a few days."

"If you need to slow down a detox, eat more salads. Steamed veggies and brown rice really slow it down. Start your detox slow by eating more veggies and juicing less. Ease into it but challenge yourself."

"You will not get toxins out in two weeks." The process to detox toxins will take some time. Be patient, go slow if needed.

What To Look For:
"When you begin to detox, your tongue may turn white or even yellow, green or brown. You should detox until your tongue turns pink again. The more toxins your body has, the longer this process will take. Be patient with the process."

"Your body is incredible and self-healing. It can heal and regenerate any cell from brain cells to toe cells."

"A bonus is that the body loses weight because the body protects itself from acids by buffering them with fat. When the acids are expelled, so is the fat."

One of my favorite ways to enjoy fruit is with a morning fruit bowl: slices of banana, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, orange slices, and if in season, kiwi slices.

To learn more, check out the work of Dr Robert Morse, Dr Sebi, Dr Bernard Jensen, Arnold Ehret.